Stephen Graham Jones believes that horror, whether in movies or books, should make us more skeptical of the world around us. Jones, an English professor at the University of Colorado and the...
"It's one product that's fairly old-fashioned, compared to the hundreds that all these manufacturers and growers in Colorado are currently creating," said Dr. Kari Franson, a clinical...
Statistics and optimism reigned at the 20th Annual UCCS Economic Forum, formerly the Southern Colorado Economic Forum, which took place at The Broadmoor hotel Oct. 14. Presentations, in part,...
During the day of lost sleep they consumed about 20 percent more calories than usual. The next day the children got as much sleep as needed but still ate more than normal. Researchers say the...
When CU alumni visit Boulder this weekend for homecoming, they can learn more about the history of Ralphie and her handlers at a new exhibit called "Here Comes Ralphie!" at the CU Heritage Center...
When scientists examined the oxygen-carrying proteins, known as hemoglobin, in volunteers’ red blood cells, they found multiple changes affecting how tightly it hung onto its oxygen load. Roach...