Lanning assumes new advocacy role as outreach liaison

By Staff


John Lanning has been appointed outreach liaison to the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) for CU Denver. In this advocacy role, Lanning is the liaison for Statewide Articulation Agreements and will work to update and maintain campus-specific Transfer Guides.

As chair of the CU Denver Remediation Committee, Lanning also will be responsible for updating remediation policies established by CDHE for the CU Denver campus.

Lanning was an original member of the CDHE General Education (GE)-25 Council dealing with guaranteed transfer of general education credit between Colorado public institutions of higher education.

The work with transfer and articulation is a continuation of Lanning’s previous role at CU Denver, and it is primarily centered on his long-term work with the GE Council at the CDHE.

These new responsibilities take advantage of Lanning’s expertise in K-12 and higher education. He offers an experienced academic voice at the state level to assist policy development focusing on student learning/success and on the role of faculty in curriculum development.

Lanning also has been involved with various partnerships including the Colorado Board of Directors for Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID); Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal Board of Directors; and Colorado I Have A Dream. And, he represented CU Denver on statewide committees dealing with undergraduate curriculum, transfer credit, articulation agreements and teacher licensure.

In this role, Lanning is reporting to Provost Rod Nairn for operational matters, and he will work closely with Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Laura Goodwin.
