Retirement Ready presentation addresses market volatility, rising interest rates

Speaker to appear at events at CU Boulder, CU Anschutz
By Staff

Retirement Ready

Market volatility and rising interest rates can be bumps on the road to retirement for many. That’s where Retirement Ready can provide guidance.

Retirement Ready: A CU Financial Event, Nov. 6-15, helps CU faculty and staff within five years of retirement map their retirement strategy with help from professionals at Employee Services, TIAA, PERA, Medicare and Social Security.

“Market Volatility and Rising Interest Rates” will be presented at CU Boulder and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Attendees can expect to have a better understanding of how market volatility and the rising of interest rates will affect their investment portfolio, and why it is essential for successful financial planning.

“Being unaware of market volatility, in particular the movement of interest rates and the impact they can have on a pre-retiree or retiree, is a big blind spot,” said Brendan Horgan, managing director at Nuveen, a global investment company owned by TIAA.

Market volatility is the rate at which the price of a security increases or decreases for a given set of returns. It can be driven by many factors: geopolitical events, economic shocks, policy uncertainty, asset bubbles and market factors like rising short-term interest rates. Some forms of volatility can be anticipated, while others are more difficult to predict.

“Some people say volatility is a polite way of referring to investors’ nervousness,” Horgan said.

In response to these events, investors and account holders will often make financial decisions that might not be the best for their financial accounts and assets.

So you are better prepared to manage the savings you have worked so hard for, secure your seat at the CU Boulder or CU Anschutz Medical Campus presentation:

CU Boulder: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Nov. 13, Williams Village, Village Dining Center Room B Register

CU Anschutz: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Nov. 14, Fulginiti Pavilion, 427-100 Register

Learn more about Retirement Ready events on all CU campuses on the Employee Services website

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