Learn more about resumes & networking - @CUBoulderCareer workshop today, 5:30p, Norlin E303 #cuboulder http://t.co/mmr0480Nhx
RT @CU_Bruce_Benson: PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION: @CUBoulder Professor Patty Limerick is hereby named Official Fool of the @CUSystem. http://…
The vote on the proposed #CUDenverWellness Center is coming up next week. Watch your inbox for your ballot! #CUDenver http://t.co/ZNFGMD1rwc
Copywriter/Web Content Specialist | http://t.co/NJnybeWyRJ #creative #copywriting #communications #ProjectManagement #integratedmarketing
What does it mean to Be Boulder? Check out this video on a brief history of #Boulder! https://t.co/YIKDIxNyTT #Boulder #Colorado #CUBoulder
RT @CU_Bruce_Benson: PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION: @CUBoulder Professor Patty Limerick is hereby named Official Fool of the @CUSystem. http://…
RT @CU_Bruce_Benson: PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION: @CUBoulder Professor Patty Limerick is hereby named Official Fool of the @CUSystem. http://…
What is humor? @leedsbiz prof @PeterMcGraw studies what makes things funny & implications of humor for business. https://t.co/jHysWbvWdh
Think $76,000 is enough for #retirement? That's the median amount saved in 401(k) accounts for those 55-64. http://t.co/4SqXWkzegM
For the record, Fiske will not be posting any "April Fool's" jokes today. If we post anything it'll be real. #EndAprilFoolsDay
.@nvidia Come see us when you do :) We had a great time showing off what 24 linked K5000's can do (8K^2 @ 60 fps!) for the local office!
Grad & Law Students: Planning to graduate in May? Submit, update or cancel your application in MyCUInfo by 11:59p. http://t.co/oIEQ7suWMB
RT @ColoTechAsn: Dr. Lauren Victor of @CoHigherEd sets the stage for a morning devoted to #tech talent #ColoTechFdn http://t.co/P0EYuKx67n