RT @BroomfieldPD: US 36 west bound at Flatirons Crossing Dr. one lane open; slow to get through; should be open soon; alternate routes sugg…
Be careful driving in this morning , Buffs. If you're still commuting this morning you might want to double check the traffic reports.
RT @KennaBruner: Boulder's Flatirons shrouded in mist and snow. #boulder #lifeinboulder #snowinboulder #cuboulder http://t.co/kEkKGWcPt3
RT @johnnybster: @CUBoulder ENVS majors: check out @EPAresearch Fellowships - Apply for #EPAgro Fellowships by May 19: http://t.co/4ywhXijO…
Money Smart Expo for #CUBoulder Students is coming April 21! http://t.co/Go7rm83GC0 http://t.co/o5pnaYzYDI
Metro Denver economic developers recognize most interesting deals: http://t.co/ictdwu2Ygw via @aldosvaldi @CUDenver
RT @dailycamera: ALERT: Multi-car pileup closes U.S. 36 in both directions just outside #Boulder http://t.co/3F0TqOg4Ol via @mitchellbyars
RT @dailycamera: ALERT: Multi-car pileup closes U.S. 36 in both directions just outside #Boulder http://t.co/3F0TqOg4Ol via @mitchellbyars
How Obesity Became a Disease http://t.co/6jmG7qkB4E via @TheAtlantic with a quote from our own @DrJimHill.
#Colorado second-quarter business confidence remains positive according to @leedsbiz http://t.co/uT7URL6Pgf #cuboulder
RT @Caseywell: Rundgren going techno-funk with #CUDenver Mobile Device Ensemble. @CUDenver http://t.co/2fhD3aH06Q
Looking to gain experience in the music/entertainment industry? Check out @programcouncil jobs & internships - http://t.co/30chuKmeKr
Have you ever wondered what Laniakea, our home supercluster of galaxy can tell us about the universe? https://t.co/fhVeaM3t3C
Join us for this special talk on the behavior of superclusters with Dr. Brent Tully 7:00pm Friday April 3rd! https://t.co/UnLcXMeKcv
Congratulations Jessica! Learn more about OVA at http://t.co/CiBcEdz3HH. TY @CUFederal for the photos.
Jessica Ladd-Webert, Dir. of the Office of Victim Assistance today received the @CCASAColorado Visionary Voice Award! http://t.co/zjkGbO5cFs
Scholarship opportunities for students in the #CUBoulder GLBTQIA community http://t.co/tUFUcOvDX8 @CU_GLBTQRC @glbtq4everbuffs
RT @cubuffs: A record 24 4.0 GPAs at @CUBoulder among those honored at the S-A Academic Recognition Banquet http://t.co/YjbJUB3pYO http://t…
A record 24 4.0 GPAs at @CUBoulder among those honored at the S-A Academic Recognition Banquet http://t.co/YjbJUB3pYO http://t.co/uFCZYphKDA