@dani_c_edwards @CUBoulderOIT is working with D2L to restore the service ASAP. More at http://t.co/uCW1cJU0Tr
RT @CUBoulderOIT: D2L is currently unavailable. We are working with the vendor to restore service. More at http://t.co/ppbAmHNbzc
Get the scoop on pensions, retirement issues, and all things #PERA-related on our new blog: PERA On the Issues http://t.co/q4FbRmKagt
Naval pilot earns soaring praise for honors’ research https://t.co/SjkOVKuiA2 via @sharethis @CUBoulder
RT @CUForColorado: Boettcher Foundation grants $175,000 to arts complex construction. http://t.co/zoz05e4EVe @UCCS #CU4CO
Boettcher Foundation grants $175,000 to arts complex construction. http://t.co/zoz05e4EVe @UCCS #CU4CO
RT @CU_Bruce_Benson: An interesting analysis that outlines the monetary value of a higher education degree. http://t.co/nLIHYNmUdw
The road to riches is paved in diplomas http://t.co/pNPtVRLYKa
Fine art students put their hard work on display at @RedLineDenver http://t.co/CZR1fSQnaH #CUDenver http://t.co/pO2rF9D1fU
RT @egorski: How Colorado's hard-fought testing compromise cleared a key hurdle: http://t.co/ZoHIM5x1cN #edcolo #coleg http://t.co/LwPFxTE…
Let's not allow this to become Colorado's fate! https://t.co/UBQpsAMneK
Incoming #CUBoulder students - You are #BoulderBound. Start your online experience now - http://t.co/YcPX5ja4Ah http://t.co/JZRDrmxGpe
This summer, study room reservations will get a whole lot easier! Online bookings are coming! Stay tuned... #UCCS http://t.co/xKWMqGKJMp
@mrreactionary Hope you went back and grabbed something, Patrick. We still have some left!
Donate your iClicker: Help build schools for kids in need http://t.co/cYuqMKKf7C