Cleaning up wastewater can be dirty business! @CUengineering discovers an innovative #wastewater treatment process http://t.co/QjLqV40Eum
RT @UCCSCommunique: Photo feature: UCCS Ent Center for the Arts breaks ground http://t.co/zKu0NnZ1Q0 http://t.co/jjpiAsSnnF
RT @FiskeFest: Tonight's Samskara / Android Jones show is now SOLD OUT.
Wisconsin Anecdotal Evidence, August 13: The get-out-the-food campaign strategy http://t.co/4aCjb59vI7 @LarsGesing #2016election #wipolitics
Expecting a refund from your financial aid? Set up direct deposit in MyCUInfo. Refunds are coming! http://t.co/fBubx15BvS
Do Big Endowments Lower Education Costs to Students? http://t.co/DFFBKpwRqo
Did you know @Starbucks is now on campus!? Oh no, we're going to be SO caffeinated! #AurariaCampus #CUDenver http://t.co/qGiGJzPMdL
What to bring & what not to bring when you move to campus. https://t.co/0VGQtBNJBB @CUBoulderLiving #BoulderBound http://t.co/8B2xcJFn9h
Fiske is pleased to announce that our own Matt Benjamin and wife Jess brought Mason Lucas Benjamin into the world this morning!
RT @csindependent: Here's how UCCS' $60 million Ent Center for the Arts will look when finished in 2018. http://t.co/JukXVlCKaW http://t.co…
The 4th Annual #CUDenver Block Party is almost here! Get the details --> http://t.co/JzIiwhYSuu @DowntownDenver http://t.co/Mbc2mgBPK9
It's Friday Buffs! Safe travels to everyone on their way to #Boulder! #CUBoulder http://t.co/l0Av5vLR3b
The South Denver #Subaru Club delivered toys to Draven who is suffering terminal heart failure at @ChildrensColo http://t.co/47PqAFcLHf
The Tivoli looks pretty much the same!! #CUDenver #AurariaCampus #TBT @AurariaCampus http://t.co/iBaefFq2iu
Access a full #CUBoulder Fall Welcome schedule and more via @guidebook - https://t.co/J57IfFoAO9 http://t.co/JrlXPWtznS
Student gets the internship of a lifetime working on @WalkingDead_AMC http://t.co/RryAq4ihxf #LearnWithPurpose http://t.co/imrw83H8sr