The political magnitude of fried Snickers and fair-y insouciance. http://t.co/wgZ3UdaYyJ #IowaStateFair #2016Election @LarsGesing
RT @Pac12Networks: The @Mike_Yam Diary, @CUBoulder edition! #Pac12ftc READ: http://t.co/DgI88llVJQ http://t.co/ZOhPiNboxA
RT @BellaGaia: Hey, check out this great write up to get to know Bella Gaia more: https://t.co/xJDgjKBQx7
RT @BellaGaia: Kenji Williams Live in Boulder CO Fiske Planetarium tomorrow Sunday night. The world's newest 8k dome. Spectacular! https://…
RT @maxcrow: Holy Crap! We are Stars wins best of show too @FiskeFest . congrats @NSCcreative http://t.co/2WJ4dOQCWz
RT @BellaGaia: #BellaGaia just won the people’s choice award here at the #Fiske #Fulldome Film Festival! Woohoo! @Fiskefest
RT @CUDenverLive: Our job is pretty cool. @ManchesterOrch @CUDenver #LYNXA2015 http://t.co/eaxhfXQlLX
RT @CUDenverLive: New Leverage is killing it and the crowd is huge! @CUDenver #LYNXA2015 http://t.co/y92wGjfNWp
Heading to #CUDenver Lynxapalooza tonight to see @ManchesterOrch? Share your experience with the hashtag #Lynxa2015! http://t.co/AsiAL5N4xd
RT @Pac12Networks: Colorado AD @RickGeorgeCU takes us though the AMAZING new @cubuffs facilities tonight at 9 PT/ 10 MT on #Pac12ftc! https…
RT @Pac12Networks: Meet the voice of @RunRalphieRun for 41 years, Larry Zimmer. His story is tonight at 10 MT/ 9 PT on Pac-12 Networks! htt…
RT @Pac12Networks: Hold on to your hats, it's @RunRalphieRun's night on #Pac12ftc! Tune in at 9 PT/ 10 MT. http://t.co/Vp0TyiXnd3
RT @CUDenverLive: We will have a photo booth tonight! Get your photo taken and tag it with #LYNXA2015 so we can see it! @CUDenver http://t.…
RT @CUBoulderDOS: Thanks to the amazing student volunteers who lead CU Stampede Leadership Camp. Well done!! http://t.co/V8nyvBRH39
Volunteer Opportunity: “Walk This Way” by @CUOffCampus @CUBoulderHealth. Sign up - http://t.co/9ex5ObanPl http://t.co/WYxLKKUlA7
.@CMCPresident Carrie Hauser & Chancellor DiStefano discussed Roaring Fork Pre-Collegiate program Fri. in Carbondale http://t.co/0CRzwgrOcI