#DalaiLama tickets for #CUBoulder faculty & staff to be available Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 9 a.m. - http://t.co/fLH4ay0hcS
Last day to get your application submitted for this great opportunity for a #HR & #payroll professional! https://t.co/6UOwPYvmwW #CUBoulder
My best RTs this week came from: @RepPerlmutter @NoSQLDigest @Prison_Health @cicelyjalon #thankSAll Who were yours? http://t.co/Hx4VOdYSt2
The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on #GLBT Issues is seeking new members. http://t.co/hjwmDiA3UJ #CUBoulder
RT @cuengineering: #CUBoulder is the #1 public university recipient of NASA awards. Proud to be a #buff.
RT @SmithENIGMA: Art and Music in Tivoli Commons with @ARTMANDOSILVA and @CUDenver students! @CUDenverLive http://t.co/sAtss2vAt6
We need students for a photoshoot tomorrow beginning at 9:30am! Free PSL included from @Starbucks! E-mail irene.weygandt@ucdenver.edu!
Congrats CU Denver College of Arts and Media alumnus Tim Kimmel for winning an Emmy last night for Game of Thrones http://t.co/7l8SAVmZPZ
RT @FolsomFrenzy: Congratulations @crosbykicks2 for becoming the all-time leader in scoring for the @packers last night! http://t.co/egSNbI…
An intense game on Sat, no matter how far away you are. Thanks for showing your CU Pride "You're a true space Buff." https://t.co/p1BLtePZYO
@captn____morgan Hey Morgan, @ColoradoDOT is working on our internet connection so campus is a backup link. Sorry for the inconvenience.
RT @FolsomFrenzy: Congratulations @crosbykicks2 for becoming the all-time leader in scoring for the @packers last night! http://t.co/egSNbI…