RT @MAStrategies: .@CoHigherEd announces Colorado #highered scholarship programs can now apply for matching funds http://t.co/hVOEIM0Tdh @d…
RT @denbizjournal: ICYMI: @CoHigherEd accepting applications for the $7M in funding available for Colorado orgs w/ scholarship programs. ht…
. @LtGovGarcia talking w @BestChamber about higher education affordability, tuition, workforce needs. #coleg #edcolo http://t.co/Yb0TeAs5Mn
Study creates cell immunity to parasite that infects 50 million http://t.co/OESDJuzcds #infectiousdisease http://t.co/vQOiy2KVQg
.@CUEquipment just released the uniform combination for the Nicholls State game. #GoBuffs http://t.co/aOjJ1yQdwx
RT @BradBernthal: Ready for 9/24 kickoff: @CUNVC = high quality startups @CUBoulder. @bizwestmedia on NVC pipeline and @Revolar -see http:…
Constrcuted in 1921, the @suteatro is getting a makeover thanks to #CUDenver students http://t.co/GDMc21toYo http://t.co/yYaij1ZMca
Additional Jane Goodall lecture tickets will be released at 2 p.m. on Sept. 22. http://t.co/J356Om45Dm http://t.co/jSLFk9Ooey
Tonight: "Bridging Digital Divides: Reaching Liminal Spaces" by @angelicaross https://t.co/2d1GbRuUI7 http://t.co/rtOyrRIKoR
RT @csindependent: UCCS now offers 39 bachelor's, 20 master's and five doctoral degrees. http://t.co/1oREADy6FI
RT @CUArtsSciences: Political Economy of Elections, a #cuboulder Social Sciences Today Forum on Sept. 22 http://t.co/TyazyZ3Ux7 http://t.co…
RT @CUAnschutzOIT: Play Guess the Tech! each day til #OITTechDay on 9/30. How 2 Play @ http://t.co/uP91oRvUvZ #CUAnschutz http://t.co/gaBM…
Tossing & turning after chugging down a caffeinated drink in the evening? Find out why - http://t.co/menXkOaUbA #CUBoulder #research
RT @bizwestmedia: CU's New Venture Challenge putting out 'quality businesses' http://t.co/EgRbeTRFgO @CUNVC http://t.co/zs7iaY0SYK