CU Museum of Natural History to unveil ancient stone tools found in Boulder https://t.co/CTHOqcseQe via @sharethis @CUBoulder
Women's self defense class offered at @CUBoulderRec. 3-5:30p, 10/4. $15. Details/Registration - http://t.co/6qu8Rf9PtL
RT @CUDenverLive: We need your help choosing the band for LYNXA2016! Fill out this survey & be entered to win Lotus tickets! https://t.co/9…
RT @CUBoulderRec: Looking for something to do this weekend? Come watch a Club Sports game! Click the link for dates and times: https://t.co…
Family Weekend is here! We love seeing so many family members visiting #CUBoulder and #Boulder! http://t.co/PNX2d96L6D
Need ideas for the weekend? Here are 5 fun & free fall activities to do in #Boulder - http://t.co/SnpK9vwKM2 http://t.co/dXJ8ebgbqP
RT @JaneGoodallInst: A #rockstar visited @CUBoulder last night. Who was it? The awe-inspiring Dr. #JaneGoodall! http://t.co/0oTEKys7G7 http…
RT @GoMountainLions: It's Whiteout Night! @UCCSVolleyball plays Black Hills State at 7pm in Gallogly. Free for UCCS students. http://t.co/R…
Students (aka @FolsomFrenzy) encouraged to arrive early & wear silver for Saturday's @RunRalphieRun game - http://t.co/6g3JAUepCL #gobuffs
#CUBoulder students should register bikes @ the campus Bike Stations. This will help you get your stolen bike back when it is found. (2/2)
Ofc. checks out 2 abandoned bikes. Serial #'s were checked to see if they were stolen. #CUPDTwtAlong #PolTwt (1/2) http://t.co/MB6M2bAJVO
Performance, Art & Music for a RESILIENT BOULDER by @ITG_Boulder, tonight (10/2), 7p, SEEC. http://t.co/ZDx7wS5K0j http://t.co/HRY7SCR2p9
Follow @CUBoulderPolice patrol officers until 2p as part of 5th global police tweet along. #CUPDTwtAlong #PolTwt
CU Recycling has new digs! The building is tracking for @USGBC #LEED Gold rating. http://t.co/oU6aIz9110 http://t.co/JsIamRObnb
Ofc. Hansen checks out a spot along Boulder Creek on #CUBoulder E. Campus for illegal camping. #CUPDTwtAlong #PolTwt http://t.co/E65l4bpA6w
Fascinating and fun facts for the class of 2019: Incoming freshmen have always had Google http://t.co/FI8Yrg971x via @UCCSCommunique @UCCS
RT @CUBuffsMBB: WATCH practice highlights and an interview with Josh Fortune from the first day of practice. #GoBuffs #RollTad http://t.co/…
Traffic stop for expired lic. plate on Broadway at Euclid. FYI, CUPD has jurisdiction in Boulder as well as on campus. #CUPDTwtAlong #PolTwt
@BoulderCh1News We are participating in the global police tweet along today until 2 pm.