RT @cucontinuinged: Ever wondered what an #astrophysicist does? Join @CUSciDisc on 10/24: Meet a CU Scientist: http://t.co/t1XckJiylL Free …
LIVE on #Periscope: Women's Finish for the Rocky Mountain Shootout. Erin Clark ahead of all others coming in. #GoBu… https://t.co/OrLpJFlOm8
RT @NeillWoelk: Erin Clark with big lead at RM Shootout for @CUBuffsTrack Great day for running, great crowd. #GoBuffs http://t.co/DFbambX…
Fiske will be closed today in light of the game. Go Buffs!
.@CUPharmacy will be at today's Veterans Fair in Littleton from 9am-1pm http://t.co/7EEL5cbAzY #Denver http://t.co/nsv0QFbmM5
RT @TrevorProject: See how @CUBoulder showed their pride to students #allyweek. http://t.co/gz9lB5gWkT http://t.co/ISyoXdx2tI
RT @CoachAdamsCUFB: Don't miss us tonight on @espn 8pm MT, 7pm PT. @FolsomFrenzy going to make it an electric atmosphere. #BUFFSvsDUCKS htt…
RT @CUBuffsVB: Buffs win! First win in Oregon since joining the Pac-12.
RT @GlennReese: Awesome stampede on pearls st. Thanks Chip! Go Buffs! #cubuffs @CUBoulder #colorado #boulder http://t.co/WkBW5X33Jj
Are you going? @CUPharmacy offers advice at annual Veterans Fair tomorrow in Littleton http://t.co/7EEL5cbAzY http://t.co/dQCM7DryG5
Former Interior Department assistant secretary joins #CUBoulder Getches-Wilkinson Center @ColoLaw http://t.co/IcFswg7WpV
RT @registerguard: Gallery: Umpqua Community College shooting victims http://t.co/M1tksKHaYk http://t.co/Wuvxoemy9U
Happy #CollegeRadioDay to our favorite radio station @Radio1190! http://t.co/7YPgihxM6H http://t.co/zgqnouvOgG
RT @ArielMata: Okay, #Buffs...grab the coat for tomorrow night. @theWXwoman's forecast on now. #9NEWS #9wx http://t.co/qCUXbn8gLg
RT @FolsomFrenzy: Join us, @RunRalphieRun, @Chipthebuffalo, @CUBuffsCheer, and @CUBoulderAlumni tomorrow night! #RalphieRevolution http://t…