Angie Paccione, head of Colorado’s higher education department, also said there’s a better approach than testing st… https://t.co/1hS9BHbt4E
International students won an unexpected reprieve as the Trump administration backed off plans to curtail optional… https://t.co/Xq3MAcYeqh
How to Control College Costs in the Age of #COVID19? Some schools have frozen their tuition rates, including the Un… https://t.co/zxE0rQueAg
@BoulderEsports @AustinOnSocial @CUEngineering We dig it! We nominate @ChipTheBuffalo for mayor -- and can’t wait f… https://t.co/a9YF6nlmqO
RT @CUAnschutz: Please join us in welcoming Dr. Regina Richards, our new Associate Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion… https://t.co/5toQICeNxn
As part of Colorado’s COVID-19 Modeling Team, @CUBoulder mathematician David Bortz uses statistical modeling to pro… https://t.co/T2oamTnbXm
How do you discuss issues of race and racism with children? @CUDenver associate professor Carlos P. Hiplito-Delgado… https://t.co/PU4WFBJ7KE
RT @CUBuffsTrack: The year was 2007. Brent Vaughn dominated the 5k on the track and won his 1st xc title. @trackjenny was adding to h… https://t.co/4b8SuxOeGY
Metropolitan State University of Denver, has been awarded a Small Business Technology Transfer study contract by th… https://t.co/ofdMDw5Asp
RT @_Strong_Start: We welcome these new Strategy Sites in Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Tennessee:… https://t.co/hv0xOcx9Zn
RT @_Strong_Start: We welcome these new Strategy Sites in Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Tennessee:… https://t.co/j8jtABwboJ
RT @uscensusbureau: We are all stronger when we use our voices to help shape our communities. Responding to the #2020Census is an impor… https://t.co/o7xnQpjFqh
The Heritage Center compiled 16 vintage postcards of CU throughout the decades. Do you have a favorite old photo o… https://t.co/Q9z6xKboIh
@APS_Foundation @dubsmitheagles @msudenver @UofDenver So are we! The biggest of congrats to Cristal!! 🥳👏