Join us TODAY at 3:30 PM for a special conversation on higher education hosted by #CDHE Executive Director,… https://t.co/MnLJfg2Bqy
RT @futurebuffs: Last Saturday marked the first day of summer, which is one of our favorite seasons in Boulder. Here’s a little snea… https://t.co/FBYz16mgoH
RT @CUBoulderCMCI: Listen up 🔊 After creating a sonification of the volatile stock market in March, @cuinfoscience PhD student… https://t.co/qGVX1Rukds
RT @LivingMatlsLab: Quite pleased to announce that Dr. Wil Srubar was awarded tenure! 🎉 The future of the Living Materials Lab is look… https://t.co/JBAmgamGeZ
RT @LarsonWrites: I’m really proud of my spring semester students; we retooled our fundamentals of journalism class to focus on the v… https://t.co/DWfLQENmpo
We'll be using this tweet today as a thread to keep you updated on the conversation. Join in on this convo on highe… https://t.co/OjaWgrdWdB
The investment landscape so far in 2020 was a big topic of discussion at PERA’s recent Board meeting, with an outsi… https://t.co/Ofxnb2QbI9
"Can you help me understand how the cohort model works?" Learn more at our Roadmap to Fall website ➡… https://t.co/oWky1dlpKR
Are you team shave ice or team mason jar ice cream? 🍧🍦 https://t.co/pUrjAmoMoA
RT @UCCSCommunique: Chancellor Reddy and a panel of campus leaders provided updates on topics including the fall semester, returning to… https://t.co/CSWS4fBL8E
RT @cubouldermusic: “When I’m singing or studying music, everything else in the world just melts away,” says Sue Baer. “It’s all I thin… https://t.co/QwSeUPXLRZ
Tuition waivers save locals more than $3 million in college costs - The quality of local programs continues to impr… https://t.co/wGW4f07NFH
"What if I don't feel comfortable coming back to campus in the fall? Can I take my classes fully remote?" Learn mo… https://t.co/bfaM5jzgyQ
Under new state guidance, #Colorado colleges and universities can immediately offer in-person instruction for every… https://t.co/Xsfw6PVjwv
@SheaSwauger ... This site will be updated with Safe Return information as it is released, including developments w… https://t.co/f9MrcmdK3J
@SheaSwauger As of now, the most up to date information does not include set dates, other than the specification th… https://t.co/wFpcR0FLdD