Dr. Elizabeth Carlton with @ColoradoSPH said young adults usually show lesser #COVID19 symptoms and don’t need to… https://t.co/ZmcJgrgL96
PROTECT: One of the four key practices of #PERAStewardship is protecting members’ interests by watching costs. Rea… https://t.co/XCdIKMh7As
Next up: Mars. 🚀 After a successful launch yesterday, Emirates Mars Mission and @LaspatCU have a seven month wait… https://t.co/Ees5qqV9HB
How we feel when people challenge Folsom Field as the best stadium in college football. This guy got it right⬇️… https://t.co/MbSbNOlhzP
LIDAR = Light Detection and Ranging This technology can be expensive and bulky but CU Boulder researchers are work… https://t.co/gAcgOQhAxS
Getting your film accepted at the prestigious @VailFilmFest is a great success. But what happens when a pandemic fo… https://t.co/A47Bli9P2B
Should universities spend money over the course of a football season to routinely test players, coaches and staff f… https://t.co/K0p1pPsXGk
Addressing our basic needs can help ease anxiety and stress, especially if we haven’t checked in with ourselves in… https://t.co/p3XGZWxapc
How do screen time, drug use, exposure to environmental toxins or concussions impact the development of an adolesce… https://t.co/ghRjtSM3Pu
RT @bouldercohealth: To assess your COVID risk of an activity you’d like to participate in, it’s good to know your DVD for whomever you… https://t.co/htT3TjtC38