About 40 people at PERA are actively involved in the production of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)… https://t.co/0v0N8bZIDl
The bottom line is that we want to keep our businesses open, protect our economy and our lives. And masks are an ef… https://t.co/o7CtxwfeeK
RT @CUBuffsTrack: .@trackjenny cemented her legacy at CU and the NCAA during the 2009 track and field season when she set 6⃣ collegia… https://t.co/vVMB8GjXog
Since the Trump administration's 2017 #DACA rescission, 55,500 young people turned 15 and became eligible for first… https://t.co/nrZqcKagbm
We are LIVE right now with our Transfer & Undergraduate Admissions team at https://t.co/aXfvKk0vYZ 🤩🙌 Get you ques… https://t.co/z7opbiPC4W
RT @CUDenverAlumni: Chancellor @MarksMichelleA has a special introductory greeting for #CUDenverAlumni and invites you to participate i… https://t.co/Q01SouvH4u
From Selfies to Being Seen: #CUAnschutz Dr. Sarah Rowan Honors Women of Color on Front Lines 🖤 Check out this cele… https://t.co/nGTU3N8c9x
RT @UCCSCommunique: More than 100 UCCS alumni put pen to paper to handwrite over 3,000 letters of welcome to incoming students.… https://t.co/ACRacG2ACp
Improving international food security is the focus of a grant awarded to researchers and educators working in plant… https://t.co/1ka0dCgZI8
Through @UCCS Quad Innovation Program, students and recent graduates are taking on some of the biggest challenges C… https://t.co/kdHljiCuzF
Senator Lamar Alexander proposed a sweeping change that would simplify applying for federal student aid while allow… https://t.co/rFhx6leECL
RT @CUMarkKennedy: A new presidential initiative supports the vital research of CU Denver faculty in urban development @CUDenver: https://t.co/XwnJBRwrSu
RT @CUCancerCenter: LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER! Today is the last chance to register for a virtual panel discussing how the CU Cancer Ce… https://t.co/KvATSxuyzU
Hey #CU employees! Join a virtual #selfcare training July 30, hosted by Employee Services and Helen and Arthur E. J… https://t.co/kE5DNXXmNL
When stay-at-home orders went into effect, streets and parking lots went dormant seemingly overnight. Within days,… https://t.co/OT0mhR7zbN
Who: All undergraduate and graduate students What: Complete the COVID-19 Student Health and Expectations course Whe… https://t.co/IBZagymQzk