Rare brain donation could shed light on Alzheimer’s pathology

Rare brain donation could shed light on Alzheimer’s pathology

As he looks back on this year’s activities at the Rocky Mountain Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Huntington Potter, PhD, points to one event that was especially...
Global wind energy to shift southward in years to come

Global wind energy to shift southward in years to come

In the next century, wind resources may decrease in many regions of the Northern Hemisphere and could sharply increase in some hotspot regions down south,...
AIDS Clinical Trials Unit celebrates 25 years of progress

AIDS Clinical Trials Unit celebrates 25 years of progress

Diagnosed in 1991, David Dillon was sure his HIV-positive test was a death sentence. He’d watched friends die, struggling on the only drugs available at the...
Aging awareness: A meaningful life for seniors and caregivers

Aging awareness: A meaningful life for seniors and caregivers

CU on the Air examines the many facets and concerns of aging with Sara Honn Qualls, professor of psychology, Kraemer Family Professor of Aging Studies and...
Kids uniquely vulnerable to sleep disruption from electronics

Kids uniquely vulnerable to sleep disruption from electronics

With their brains, sleep patterns and even eyes still developing, children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the sleep-disrupting effects of...
What happens when pot becomes legal?

What happens when pot becomes legal?

Does legalizing recreational marijuana in a state lead its residents to use it, or other substances, more? How does legalization impact careers, family life...
Better than Babel

Better than Babel

Like millions of Americans before him and after, Samuel Boyd took high school Spanish.
Scientists are analyzing your tweets and FB posts: Is it ethical?

Scientists are analyzing your tweets and FB posts: Is it ethical?

If so, how do you feel about it? If you feel unsettled, what would make you feel better? What’s legal and what’s not in the age of big-data research? And even...
Collaboration a constant for state’s premier research universities

Collaboration a constant for state’s premier research universities

CU President Bruce Benson, CSU President Tony Frank and moderator Molly Hughes at the Aug. 30 Denver Post Education Forum in downtown Denver. The competition...
Dinosaur-killing asteroid could have thrust Earth into two years of darkness

Dinosaur-killing asteroid could have thrust Earth into two years of darkness

Tremendous amounts of soot, lofted into the air from global wildfires following a massive asteroid strike 66 million years ago, would have plunged Earth into...
Creosote Bush

Creosote bush could treat Giardia and 'brain-eating' amoeba infections

Compounds produced by the creosote bush, a desert shrub common to American Southwest, exhibit potent anti-parasitic properties against two deadly parasites...
Sponsored Research

CU tops $1 billion in sponsored research funding

The University of Colorado achieved a record level of research funding in the 2016-17 fiscal year, with faculty meriting $1.034 billion in federal, state and...

Bacteria have feelings, too

For humans, our sense of touch is relayed to the brain via small electrical pulses. Now, CU Boulder scientists have found that individual bacteria, too, can...
CU Anschutz to play key role in NIH research program

CU Anschutz to play key role in NIH research program

Everyone knows that exercise is good for us. But we don’t precisely know why. What happens to our bodies on the molecular level when we exercise?
Hundreds sport “undies” for colon cancer research

Hundreds sport “undies” for colon cancer research

On June 24, hundreds of runners and walkers (wearing their “undies”) lined up at City Park in Denver to show their support of colorectal cancer research at the...
CU School of Medicine faculty lead 2017 class of Boettcher Investigators

CU School of Medicine faculty lead 2017 class of Boettcher Investigators

Photo courtesy the Boettcher Foundation The 2017 class of Boettcher Investigators: back row from left, Andrew Petruska, Camille M. Moore, John A. Thompson and...
Two faculty members chosen for prestigious National Academy of Education fellowships

Two faculty members chosen for prestigious National Academy of Education fellowships

Two University of Colorado faculty members have been chosen to receive prestigious fellowships from the National Academy of Education, whose competitive NAEd/...
Mysteries of the Teenage Brain

Scientist aims to solve mysteries of the teenage brain

eenagers and young adults think and act differently from grownups. CU scientist Marie Banich is helping us see why.
Student researchers, faculty mentors shine

Student researchers, faculty mentors shine at symposium

Vikasini Mahalingam, Hannah Stobaugh and Elena Ortiz didn’t work long hours on their research project for recognition. So when they learned their project about...
Diesels pollute more than tests detect; excess emissions kill 38,000 yearly

Diesels pollute more than tests detect; excess emissions kill 38,000 yearly

Because of testing inefficiencies, maintenance inadequacies and other factors, diesel cars, trucks and buses worldwide emit 4.6 million tons more harmful...
Some mother cells kick DNA damage 'down the road' to offspring

Some mother cells kick DNA damage ‘down the road’ to offspring

A new University of Colorado Boulder study has shown that some dividing human cells are “kicking the can down the road,” passing on low-level DNA damage to...
Building Better Babies Symposium set for May 31

Building Better Babies Symposium set for May 31

The Building Better Babies Symposium is set for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 31 at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. The specific objectives of the symposium are to...
Dr. Kelly See, Professor of Management at CU Denver

'Stretch goals' in companies can be dangerous for most

As companies struggle to maximize output while staying ahead of the competition, a new study from University of Colorado Denver examines the idea of ‘stretch...
When love hurts, a placebo can help

When love hurts, a placebo can help

Feeling heartbroken from a recent breakup? Just believing you’re doing something to help yourself get over your ex can influence brain regions associated with...
MAVEN findings reveal how Mars’ atmosphere was lost to space

MAVEN findings reveal how Mars' atmosphere was lost to space

Solar wind and radiation are responsible for stripping the Martian atmosphere, transforming Mars from a planet that could have supported life billions of years...
