Summer outreach tour kicks off in west-central Colorado

Engineering a Brighter Future: CU and Western Colorado University's innovative partnership a tour highlight
By Staff
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour
Summer outreach tour


President Todd Saliman and CU leaders began their summer outreach tour with visits to communities throughout west-central Colorado.

Leadership visited the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science and Engineering June 25-26 as a component of the outreach tour. They joined Western Colorado University President Brad Baca to tour the facility and witnessed a student-led demonstration showcasing cutting-edge projects developed through this unique program.

The CU Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science and Western Colorado University joined forces to create an unparalleled educational opportunity for engineering students. This innovative partnership, housed at the new Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science and Engineering on Western's campus, allows students to complete their first two years at Western and then transfer to CU Boulder to finish their degree, all while staying in Gunnison.

The Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science and Engineering offers students access to state-of-the-art labs and classrooms. On June 26, President Saliman and other members of university leadership saw firsthand the fruits of this partnership during a demonstration of student projects. These projects reflected the program's emphasis on practical, impactful engineering solutions. They highlighted the students' innovative approaches to real-world challenges.

The partnership with Western Colorado University underscores CU's commitment to regional collaboration and innovation. By combining resources and expertise, the two universities are driving positive change and economic growth in the region. The student projects demonstrate the real-world impact of collaborative efforts in engineering education.

In addition to the engineering partnership, the CU summer outreach tour included meetings with key education figures and community leaders to discuss topics such as K-12 integration and workforce pipeline development. These discussions aimed to shape the future of education in Colorado and foster collaborations that benefit the university and its communities.

The tour's itinerary also featured several opportunities for the public and media to engage with CU leadership and learn more about the university's initiatives and collaborative efforts across the state. Stops also included meetings with Colorado Mountain College President Matt Gianneschi, Aspen Schools Superintendent Tharyn Mulberry, and representatives from the Aspen Community Foundation. In addition, CU leaders convened with the Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation in Gunnison.

The summer outreach tours help to reaffirm CU's commitment to excellence in education, research innovation, and community service. Through collaboration, partnership, and engagement, CU continues to drive positive change and progress in Colorado and beyond.

The summer outreach tour will continue in July, with President Saliman and university leadership visiting communities in northwestern Colorado to strengthen ties further and address regional needs.

Summer outreach tour kicks off in west-central Colorado