Regents University Affairs Committee gives initial approval to new degrees, certificate

By Staff

Plans for three new degrees and a new certificate received approval from the Regents University Affairs Committee during its June 4 meeting, held via Zoom.

The proposals are scheduled to be included on the consent agenda at the next meeting of the full Board of Regents, set for June 20-21 in Pueblo.

At the School of Medicine on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, a current track within an existing master’s degree program would become its own freestanding master’s degree in immunology. Workforce demand in Colorado’s bioscience sector is one driving factor, said Rod Nairn, executive vice chancellor for academic and student affairs. The change also aims to provide more advanced specialized training and boost the program’s visibility.

At UCCS, visual art is currently a track of the bachelor’s degree in visual and performing arts. The proposed change would create a new bachelor’s degree in visual art, increasing visibility and clarity for current and prospective students. UCCS also plans a new master’s degree in aerospace engineering. The existing aerospace minor is popular with students, and demand from the aerospace industry, which has a strong presence in Colorado Springs, also is driving the creation.

A new undergraduate certificate in applied skills for democracy is designed for incarcerated learners as part of the college in prison program at CU Denver’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Stephen Hartnett, professor from CU Denver’s communication department, noted the goal of having students become not only scholars, but citizen contributors to society. “We want to help them fall in love with education, to have a love of citizenship and a love of democracy,” he said.

The Regents University Affairs Committee last week also delayed possible action on a civics resolution first passed by the Board of Regents in February 2020. Committee Chair Lesley Smith said information on the matter would be brought before the full board for discussion.

The committee advanced to the full board a proposal to amend Regent Policy 14.I regarding weapons control. The change would ban concealed carry on CU campuses, aligning with the new state law banning the carrying of firearms in sensitive spaces, effective July 1. The proposal is scheduled to be discussed and voted on by the full board at its June 20-21 meeting in Pueblo.