Galloping COLTT offers training in digital publishing, video
COLTT (Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology) Conference presents two of its Galloping COLTT events this month, with Adobe training on the CU-Boulder and CU Denver campuses.
CU-Boulder—Feb. 26
Norlin Library E113
- 9:00-11:30 Intermediate – Advanced Photoshop Techniques
- 1:00-3:30 Adobe InDesign & Digital Publishing
For more information and to register, please go to:
Seating for all workshops is limited. Please sign up online prior to the workshop date or contact us for more details.
CU Denver—Feb. 27
1380 Lawrence St. 3rd Floor, CLC
- 9:00-11:30 Adobe Acrobat XI – Digital Forms and Interactive Documents
- 1:00-3:30 Video Editing Basics
For more information and to register, please go to:
Seating for all workshops is limited. Please sign up online prior to the workshop date or contact us for more details.
Call for Proposals COLTT 2014: The conference also is about to open the call for proposals for COLTT 2014 using a new open source submission process called CMT, Microsoft’s Academic Conference Management Service. Here is the link: