Fund for the Humanities proposals sought

By Staff

Proposals are being accepted through Oct. 26 for the President’s Fund for the Humanities grants. The fund was established to preserve a balance in the university’s programs of education and research by giving special attention to the humanities. Proposals for funding might include seminars in humanistic studies; public programs in the humanities; innovative teaching in the humanities; or requests for lectures or exhibits by visiting scholars. The fund might also support projects that involve interdisciplinary teaching, increase the visibility of the humanities, emphasize humanistic values or address special social problems in a humanistic context.

Projects selected are funded to a maximum of $3,000. To be considered, proposals must be submitted by Oct. 26 at 5 p.m. by email to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at For questions or more information, contact Thomas Spahr, academic planning, programs, and policy analyst, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, at 303-860-5623 or