Faculty Council Committee Corner: Communications

The Faculty Council Communications Committee (FC3) is charged with considering matters of communication relevant to faculty at CU, such as providing guidance related to strategies and approaches for communicating with faculty in an inclusive and equitable way; inviting greater and more diverse participation in the shared governance process; and fostering a culture of equity and inclusion, among others responsibilities.
For the full committee charge, please see the CU Faculty Council website.
Although relatively new, our committee has been very active in searching for new ways to provide open and inclusive communication across the CU campuses and to identify and implement ways to promote shared governance at CU.
For example, in the last three years, the committee has created several university-wide communication vehicles, including the two regular features in CU Connections, Committee Corner, which highlights the work of the CU Faculty Council’s committees (next up, the newly formed (Dis)ability and Access Committee), and Faculty Voices, a space for faculty commentary on a range of topics. Please consider submitting your proposal for a Faculty Voices article. Both these article series have become regular staples and well-read features in CU Connections in the past few years.
Our committee also has recently created and launched the new CU Faculty Guide, a one-stop shop for the most important and regularly used resources by faculty across the four CU campuses. We envisioned this guide as a helpful (though not comprehensive) collection of materials most commonly of interest to faculty, but also as a living document. As such, we welcome ongoing feedback and suggestions to help us make this a truly useful tool for faculty.
Our committee also is launching the first digital newsletter of the Faculty Council, coming in October. Currently slated to go out to all CU faculty once a semester, the Faculty Council Newsletter is a way to keep faculty informed on past, current and upcoming work and initiatives of the council, what implications they may have for you, and what you can do to get involved.
Finally, as this year’s CU presidential search unfolds, our committee will monitor the need for additional communications to faculty, as necessary. Meanwhile, visit the presidential search website, recently launched by the Board of Regents, to learn more about the job description and search process, and to provide input and feedback.
Below is a list of our current committee members. To fully represent all four campuses, we would like to welcome more members from CU Denver, CU Anschutz and UCCS. Please contact our committee’s Co-Chairs Carrie Makarewicz (carrie.makarewicz@ucdenver.edu) and Carmen Stavrositu (cstavros@uccs.edu) if you would like to learn more about FC3.
- Carmen Stavrositu, Co-Chair, CU Colorado Springs, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- Carrie Makarewicz, Co-Chair, CU Denver, College of Architecture and Planning
- Kathia Ibacache, Secretary, CU Boulder, University Libraries
- Sharon Sables-Baus, CU Anschutz, College of Nursing
- Ashlyn Velte, CU Boulder, University Libraries
- Leilani Feliciano, CU Colorado Springs, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
- Larry Cunningham, CU Denver, Business School
- Michael Sandler, CU system, Vice President of Communication*
- Cathy Beuten, CU system, University Relations*
- Jay Dedrick, CU system, University Relations*