Faculty Council Committee Corner: Budget and Finance

Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing CU Connections series in which the Faculty Council highlights each of its committees and their efforts. See past installments here.
The Faculty Council Budget and Finance Committee (FCBFC) has three major areas in the charge: 1) advise Faculty Council on matters of budget, accounting and finance; 2) consult with representatives of the CU system administration on matters of budget, accounting and finance; and 3) serve as a liaison between the CU system administration and the campus budget committees (see the full charge here). On urgent or short-notice matters, system administration will consult with the chair and/or executive committee of the FCBFC on behalf of the committee.
As reflected in the committee charge, FCBFC members have been exploring ways to be more actively engaged in the systemwide budgeting processes, to build rapport with system administration, and to identify ways that the committee can be more actively involved in budget-related decisions.
During 2022-2023, CU President Todd Saliman, Vice President for Budget and Finance and Chief Financial Officer Chad Marturano and Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael Lightner met with the budget committee and members of the faculty council to discuss the loss of strategic initiative funds this past year. The committee has continued to receive updates from Marturano on the ongoing search for a new treasurer and the committee established to review the breakdown in communication and system processes that caused the loss of strategic initiative funds. Budget committee member Carol Dee is the faculty representative on the search committee for the new system treasurer.
With the campuses reviewing and making changes to the budget processes for their campus, the budget committee prioritized learning more about those processes on each campus. Presentations from each campus were scheduled and are currently taking place. The committee hopes that this knowledge will help committee members articulate how budgeting decisions are made on each campus to colleagues.
The FCBFC welcomes input and questions from faculty. If you have questions about the system or campus budget processes, please reach out to a FCBFC member, and we will be happy to find answers for you.
Rhonda Glazier, Chair | CU Colorado Springs, Kraemer Family Library
Carol Dee | CU Denver, Business School
Todd Ely | CU Denver, School of Public Affairs
Monique French, Vice Chair | CU Colorado Springs, College of Business
Rob Maclaren | CU Anschutz, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Elia Newsom, | CU Boulder | Program for Writing and Rhetoric
David Paradis | CU Boulder, History*
Hillary Potter | CU Boulder | Women and Gender Studies
Burton St. John | CU Boulder | College of Media, Communication and Information
Gordon Stringer | CU Colorado Springs, College of Business
Diana White | CU Denver, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chad Marturano | CU system, Vice President for Budget and Finance and Chief Financial Officer*
* nonvoting member