COLTT 2014 seeking session proposals
Join us for COLTT 2014: Submit a Session Proposal to the Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology Conference
COLTT’s program committee is seeking knowledgeable and dynamic presenters for this year’s conference, which will be Aug. 6-7 on the CU-Boulder campus in the Wolf Law Building.
Organizers are looking for sessions that explore innovative and effective uses of technology in teaching and learning. Sessions that actively engage and inspire participants are especially welcome.
COLTT 2013 was a great event that exceeded all expectations and attendance records. Join us for what will certainly be another blockbuster conference in August.
We encourage you to explore the full call for proposals on our wiki:
Information about registration and scholarships will be announced in the coming weeks.
COLTT proposal submission link (to an old-school, but serviceable and free tool):
Please contact Jill Lester ( with any questions or suggestions.
Galloping COLTT has enjoyed tremendous response to its events today and tomorrow; limited walk-up space might be available on a first-come, first-served basis.