Call for proposals: Coleman Institute’s Technology Translational Research and Development Awards
The Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities is now accepting proposals from CU faculty members for the Technology Translational Research and Development (TTRD) Awards. Projects must be authored by full or part-time faculty members with the rank of assistant, associate or full professor.
The Coleman Institute’s mission is to catalyze and integrate advances in technology that promote the quality of life of people with cognitive disabilities and their caregivers. The goal of the TTRD Awards is to advance the Institute’s support of translational science resulting in products or services reaching the hands of consumers. The award will fund researchers and developers from the four CU campuses to develop and disseminate technology products that directly aid people living with cognitive disabilities.
Phase I (early stage development) awardees will receive $50,000 and phase II (late-stage development) awardees will receive $100,000. A selection committee composed of industry experts and scientists will review the proposals.
The intended outcome of both phase I and II projects is to catalyze the development of tangible tools, resources, hardware or software, and/or other technology strategies for improving quality of life for persons living with cognitive disabilities and their caregivers across the lifespan. Proposals that are driven by user-inspired research and have a clear path of translation to the marketplace will be funded. Recipients will have 12 months to use the funding.
The proposal submission template and full guidelines and requirements are available online at
Deadline for proposal submissions is midnight April 30, 2024.
Questions regarding the proposal can be sent to