Scholarship named for doctor will boost global health leadership

By Staff


In recognition for Calvin Wilson, M.D.'s passion as a global health physician and his contributions as director of the Center for Global Health, the Calvin L. Wilson Scholarship for Future Leaders in Global Health will be established.

In the face of natural disasters, famine, disease and political unrest, communities around the world are challenged to provide access to basic medical and public health services. The Center for Global Health is committed to tackling these challenges by training future generations of global health professionals and physicians at home and abroad.

Wilson, a physician at the University of Colorado School of Medicine whose career spans countries and cultures, has served as center director since 2004. After taking the helm, Wilson expanded the center's ability to train physicians overseas, mentor students at home and develop relationships in support of a shared global mission. As a result, people around the world now have improved access to health care and trained health providers.

The goal is to raise $50,000 to endow the new scholarship and secure the future of global health training at UC-Denver. To make a contribution, visit