Lopez, Washburn named ‘shining lights’

By Staff

shining lights
School of Education and Human Development (SEHD) colleagues Casey Washburn and Meredith Lopez  are the most recent recipients of the “Let Your Light Shine” award from the CU Denver l Anschutz Medical Campus Exempt Professional Assembly. Honorees for this award are selected based on nominations from peers and colleagues at the university.

Both honorees received praise for their professionalism, support of co-workers, and for their willingness to go above and beyond what is needed.

Lopez is the honoree for September 2012; Washburn is the honoree for October 2012.  Both will be recognized during an upcoming meeting and will receive a certificate of recognition and a $100 gift card.

“These two individuals have demonstrated strong dedication and work ethic deserving of these awards both at the university and outside the institution,” said Danny Felipe-Morales, Exempt Professional Assembly chair. “If you have an amazing co-worker that you believe also should win this award, I encourage you to please nominate him/her.”

Nominees for this award are individuals who are respected by their colleagues for what they bring to the work as well as their contributions to the greater community. The program started earlier this year to honor University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus employees who deserve special recognition for their outstanding efforts, which benefit both the university as a whole and those who come in contact with these individuals in the line of their duties.

Any exempt professional on staff at a director level or below who has been employed with the university for at least one year and is not a current member of the Exempt Professional Assembly Board may be nominated.