Kautzer curates new exhibit on home and homelessness

By Staff

Chad Kautzer, assistant professor of philosophy at CU Denver, is curating an art exhibition at RedLine gallery, 2350 Arapahoe St., Denver. “Not Exactly: Between home and where I find myself” is RedLine's signature exhibition for 2013. It involves 21 international, national, local and "not exactly" homeless artists, as well as the work (and presence as a visiting artist) of Inocente Izucar, featured in this year's Academy-Award-winning short documentary "Inocente."

Kauzter described the idea behind the exhibit as “How resources are distributed, spaces ordered and boundaries policed reflect particular values. Values are written into the brick and mortar of our communities and structure our institutions, creating varying levels of vulnerability and privilege. Where we find ourselves—housed, homeless or incarcerated—is thus the result of more than the sum of our own actions.”

“Not Exactly” explores the material conditions and social relations that help constitute “home” or foreclose the possibility of belonging, for being homeless is not exactly the same as being without shelter, explained Kautzer. “The artists in this exhibition challenge the values that produce social marginalization and unsafe places for so many. Their work calls upon all of us to reimagine our communities and cultivate the possibilities for living otherwise.”

“Not Exactly: Between home and where I find myself” is on display through July 28.