Kantor to join CU Denver in January

By Staff




Rebecca Kantor




Rebecca Kantor, director of the School of Teaching and Learning at Ohio State University, will join the University of Colorado Denver in January as dean for the School of Education and Human Development.

Kantor's career has focused in the areas of early childhood, elementary and middle childhood education. She received a bachelor's degree in developmental psychology and linguistics from the University of Rochester, and a master's in early childhood education and a doctorate in education in developmental applied psycholinguistics, both from Boston University. She taught deaf children in Massachusetts at the beginning of her career.

She began her tenure at Ohio State in 1983 as an assistant professor in the department of family relations and human development in the College of Human Ecology. In 1989, she was promoted to associate professor with tenure. In 1997, Kantor moved to the School of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and Human Ecology. In 1999, she was promoted to full professor.

Kantor's interests and research over the past 20 years have included early childhood development and education, teacher education and curriculum, especially the work of the Reggio Emilia educators in Italy. She continues to be highly involved with the early childhood policy community, improving professional development systems for all early childhood professionals.