Melinda Hagemann, development director, Office of Development, will become executive director and will supervise the private fundraising efforts of the campus effective Nov. 1.
As cancer treatments become increasingly specific to minute subtypes of the disease, the mechanics of clinical trials targeting cancer are evolving at a pace never before seen.
Thomas T. Veblen of the Geography Department and David Korevaar of the College of Music have been selected as recipients of the 2016 Distinguished Research Lectureship, which is among the highest...
The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity rolled out the red carpet for UCCS faculty and staff members Wednesday afternoon, showering them with recognition for pursuing the university’s...
Steve Recca, executive director, Center for Human Security, School of Public Affairs, recently returned to campus after assisting the State Department’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and US...
The University of Colorado Boulder named Gregory Atkins as director of the Bursar’s Office, effective Oct. 10. Atkins comes to CU Boulder from the University of Louisville, where he served as bursar...
After eight years in the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) where she served as an associate dean for student affairs and assistant professor, Jan Gascoigne, PhD, is now transitioning...
The five years in her PhD program included some of the best and hardest educational experiences of assistant professor Maureen Estevez Stabio’s life. She wants every student to have an equally...
Sept. 1 was a memorable day for Andrei Iarygin. It was the official “Day of Knowledge” in Russia, and it happened to be the first day Iarygin presented to his class at UCCS.
Electric voltage powers life: Our brains use electrical transients to process every thought and every heartbeat arises from voltage changes in heart cells.
For most fans, the play clock and referees are just cogs in a football game. What really matters are crunching tackles at the line of scrimmage, spiraling passes down the field, and, most of all,...
Katy Cathcart, senior instructor, School of Public Affairs, recently received the 2016 Western Association of Criminal Justice Innovative Teaching Award.
Shannon Hagerman, PhD, was the type of principal you would hope to have at your children’s school. In 2004, she took a failing Denver elementary school and turned it around, taking it from the brink...
David Pyrooz, assistant professor of sociology at CU Boulder, has won the 2016 Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award from the American Society of Criminology.
David K. Schmidt, professor emeritus, College of Engineering and Applied Science, recently received the 2016 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Pendray Aerospace Literature Award.
The Kimmel Scholars Program funds 15 of the nation’s top young cancer researchers. The Beckman Young Investigator Program honors eight promising early-career faculty members.
Kohrt Wendy Kohrt, professor of medicine in the Division of Geriatric Medicine, has been named the inaugural Nancy Anschutz Chair in Women’s Health Research, an endowed chair in the Center for Women’...
Dorothy Cruthers, longtime staff member at the CU Boulder Bookstore, died Aug. 11, 2016. She was 86. Born in Kettering, U.K., she moved to the U.S. in the late ’50s. She worked at the CU Bookstore...
At the conclusion of a successful internal search, Senior Vice Chancellor Kelly Fox has today named Katherine Erwin Chief Human Resources Officer for the University of Colorado Boulder.
Twenty current and former faculty members of the University of Colorado School of Medicine are contributors to a newly published collection of essays, Miracles We Have Seen – America’s Leading...