January 7, 2016 /
One new policy, two policy changes in place for 2016
The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) has announced changes to administrative policy statements (APSs) from the academic affairs and administrative/general functional areas:
- 1016 - Procedures for Allocating Sponsored Project Funding on More than One Campus
- 2025 - University Brand Identity and Logo Usage (Previously, University Brand Identity and Trademarks)
- 2026 - University Trademarks, Trade Names and Service Marks
These changes, presented at the Dec. 10 TEAM meeting and approved by President Bruce Benson, took effect on Jan. 1, 2016.
For more detailed information, go to https://www.cu.edu/ope/policy/aps-changes.
For additional information on system policies, go to: http://www.cu.edu/ope.