Faculty Council Committee Corner: Executive

Faculty Council is CU’s systemwide faculty shared governance group that works directly with the CU president’s office, the Board of Regents and the chairs of each of the four campus-level Faculty Assemblies.
We strive to ensure that CU adheres to the principles of shared governance as outlined in Article 5 of Regent Laws and Policies, specifically that “faculty have the principal responsibility for decisions concerning pedagogy, curriculum, research, scholarly or creative work, academic ethics, and recommendations on the selection and evaluation of faculty. The development of general academic policies shall be a collaborative effort between the faculty and administration.”
We initiate recommendations to the president or appropriate administrative officials for submission to the Board of Regents, on matters within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Faculty Council meets monthly to consider, discuss and take action on matters that affect the CU campuses.
The council’s Executive Committee — composed of the council chair, vice chair and secretary, as well as the four leaders of the campus-based Faculty Assemblies — sets goals and priorities for the year, and the Faculty Council meeting agendas. It is tasked with coordinating the activities of the Faculty Council and its committees, considering proposals for items suggested for Faculty Council consideration, and reviewing and recommending changes in the Faculty Council’s bylaws, among others. You can read more about the Executive Committee’s charge here.
Specific goals and priorities for the 2020-2021 academic year include strengthening CU’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; shaping the future of online education at CU; organizing virtual events to continue community building while remote; maintaining the integrity and independence of the Privilege and Tenure Committee; and many more.
We invite faculty at all ranks to get involved in shared governance. Participating in the development of policies and in decision-making that affects our institution is critically important to CU’s mission and success.
Please consider joining the Faculty Council or one of its seven standing committees: Budget; Communications; Committee on Racial and Ethnic Equity (CREE); Educational Policy and University Standards (EPUS); Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ (LGBTQ+); Personnel and Benefits; and Women’s Committee. You will have an opportunity to learn more about each of the standing committees in future installments of the Committee Corner in CU Connections throughout the academic year.
Contact us at facultycouncil@cu.edu to learn more about who we are and how you can get involved in shared governance and participate in shaping the future of the university.
- Joanne Addison, chair, CU Faculty Council, JoanneAddison@ucdenver.edu
- Maja Krakowiak, vice chair, CU Faculty Council, mkrakowi@uccs.edu
- Tamara Terzian, secretary, CU Faculty Council, tamara.terzian@cuanschutz.edu
- Jacqueline Jones, chair, CU Anschutz Medical Campus Faculty Assembly, Jacqueline.Jones@cuanschutz.edu
- Bob Ferry, chair, CU Boulder Faculty Assembly, Robert.Ferry@colorado.edu
- David Weiss, president, University of Colorado Colorado Springs Faculty Assembly, dweiss@uccs.edu
- Michael Zinser, chair, CU Denver Faculty Assembly, Michael.Zinser@ucdenver.edu