CU Connections

CU Connections shifts to summer publication schedule in July

CU Connections will begin its summer publication schedule after the June 24 issue, when issues will appear biweekly. No new issues are scheduled to appear on...
Juneteenth webinar to examine ‘Liberatory Love and Freedom’

Juneteenth webinar to examine ‘Liberatory Love and Freedom’

The University of Colorado system Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) invites you to attend a Juneteenth keynote, “Liberatory Love and Freedom:...
Strategic transformation team to lead next phase of Financial Futures

Strategic transformation team to lead next phase of Financial Futures

Financial Futures, designed and launched to align campus resources with the university’s priorities and mission, is continuing through June 2023. “As a campus...
Smaller, faster, stronger: NSF grant will help Tvrdy develop the electronics of the future

Smaller, faster, stronger: NSF grant will help Tvrdy develop the electronics of the future

Each year, consumers demand more from their electronic devices – smaller sizes, faster processing and better performance. As engineers scramble to meet these...
New CU program tackles medicine’s tough realities before they matter

Juneteenth history: Why doesn’t everyone know about Texas?

Juneteenth, which combines the words June and nineteenth, is an unofficial national holiday marking the day Major General Gordon Granger of the Union army read...
New CU program tackles medicine’s tough realities before they matter

New CU program tackles medicine’s tough realities before they matter

Bryn Launer took a deep breath as she picked up the phone. She was calling the brother of a patient with a severe head injury suffered in a motorcycle accident...