Kempe Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute

Monday, August 7–11, 2017
8:00am – 5:00pm
CU Anschutz Medical Campus


Course 1: Fundamentals of Clinical and Epidemiological Research - Register Here 

Two-part course designed for clinicians from multiple disciplines interested in learning fundamental research principles appropriate to developing new research on child abuse. In addition to didactic sessions this course will include intensive mentorship from senior researchers with expertise in child abuse research.

Course 2: Challenges in Child Maltreatment Research Register Here 

A course designed for trained researchers from multiple disciplines who are interested in applying their disciplinary expertise to examining topics related to child abuse. In addition to didactic sessions, this course will include intensive mentorship from senior researchers with expertise in child abuse research.

Possible Credits Earned:

  • Each course is eligible for 1 graduate credit for 15 hours contact time with participation in seminars and research project mentoring of the student’s research project.

  • Participation without the awarding of graduate credit is free, made possible through the support of the Walton Family Foundation.

Tuition Costs:

ColoradoSPH  tuition for each course is awarded with the following charges:

  • CO Residents:1 graduate credit at $778 + $190 application and matriculation fee. 
  • Non-CO Residents: 1 graduate credit at $1288 + $190 application and matriculation fee. 

Scholarship Opportunities

Thanks to support from the Walton Family Foundation, limited number of scholarships are available to participants who are in their first year of fellowship training in Child Abuse Pediatrics and 4 graduate students from under-represented minorities. Scholarships will be awarded on a first­ come, first served basis and will cover costs of housing, travel, and course materials.

More information: https://www.publichealthpractice.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=350