RT @CUBuffs: We are thrilled to announce that we’re expanding our partnership with @UCHealth, the official healthcare partner of… https://t.co/42siqK1SQo
RT @CUBoulderCMCI: We celebrate #Pride in June to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots when patrons fought a discriminatory police rai… https://t.co/pbxoggICsj
We are thrilled to announce that we’re expanding our partnership with @UCHealth, the official healthcare partner of… https://t.co/42siqK1SQo
RT @CSUSchoolOfEd: The Black/African American Cultural Center at CSU (@baacc_csu) shared two events taking place this Saturday to cele… https://t.co/88JIBjOsQk
RT @dr_dbh: Grateful to my colleague Danielle Hodge for her #Juneteenth challenge to all of us at @CUBoulder: reflecting on how… https://t.co/D8e7C2o36D
Please join @CUAnschutzDEICE for an inclusive #Juneteenth2021 virtual celebration tomorrow at 12 PM! Register her… https://t.co/viNsHEhvB7
It's #NationalMascotDay so it's appropriate to share Dr. Paccione's favorite photo, a #TBT photo from Decision Day… https://t.co/oHjiPSy608
RT @ColoradoGEARUP: In high school, I was homeless. To help more students like me get to college, look beyond education policy. https://t.co/fxWMxHTCQp
“The legislature and the governor have been very generous to higher ed this year, especially with the state and fed… https://t.co/cIAVeOXHVQ
CU Innovations brings together some of the greatest minds of several academic fields at @CUAnschutz to work across… https://t.co/zLl3cBalqx
RT @RangerHartnett: Watch out for rattlesnakes in the restrooms at Rabbit Mountain! This little one is hunkered down and not wanting to… https://t.co/NfkHObQaVO
RT @boulderosmp: Starting as early as Thursday, June 17, the City of Boulder will temporarily close two sections of the Cottontail T… https://t.co/su534sMKMc
RT @bouldercolorado: We've reconfigured the Broadway and Rayleigh Rd intersection to reduce right-turn-on-red crashes, including adding… https://t.co/2A9G7A6SIk
RT @bouldercolorado: Leaving dogs in parked cars can be dangerous, and even deadly, as warmer weather moves in and temperatures increase… https://t.co/TPZBtdaJeS
Come work with us! We’re looking for the next Emergency Management Mitigation and Campus Safety Projects Program Ma… https://t.co/sIQ0xML0E0
@karlfisch If you email Brenda Meidl at bmeidl@copera.org she should be able to provide those slides.