Looking for a quiet place to study with your friends? Reserve a group study room in the library! http://t.co/tmyxfvMX8q
RT @UCCSGradSchool: Studying for finals? Check out Kraemer Family Library's hours of operation for the upcoming weeks @uccslibrary http://t…
@ArielLeslie @UCCS Sorry you're having trouble finding a quiet place to study. You can always reserve a study room: http://t.co/sBPjJM3dSO
The @Avalanche made their annual holiday visit to @ChildrensColo yesterday. http://t.co/LD9FKhr1L6 #CUAnschutz
Scott Oki, a 1974 UCCS grad & an early member of @Microsoft, will deliver Friday's #UCCS2014 commencement address. http://t.co/VKh2zeZrd2
[ALERT] Gas leak at 14th and Lawrence Street. @Denver_Fire @DenverPolice and @xcelenergy all on scene. Please avoid the area.
Check out Colorado Helps Advanced Manufacturing Program (CHAMP)'s new interactive website! http://t.co/vaxnVn6dui #StateOfCo
Have a resolution? When pursuing goals, people tend to weight progress more than setbacks. #CUBoulder @leedsbiz http://t.co/63iJRXnBcN
@tcminton Here's to many more best moments of your life at #cuboulder! Connect w/ others who are #BoulderBound, too! https://t.co/jG7Oh77BNi
@annacruzer Great news Anna! Connect with others who are #BoulderBound, too! https://t.co/jG7Oh77BNi
@sofiarammmirez Sofia, we too are beyond happy! Congratulations! Connect with others who are #BoulderBound, too! https://t.co/jG7Oh77BNi
RT @cubuffs: Best of luck on your finals to all our amazing @CUBoulder students, you've got this! #CrushIt #GoBuffs