Drop by the library's Circulation Desk and check out our climate change display! #UCCS http://t.co/L21Z5EUnnH
This Is Why Your Budget Doesn’t Work http://t.co/RE3RF5lXAX http://t.co/8NkgTstueT
Snow cone? Bring your own cup- open 'til 1:30, CU Anschutz 1st Spirit Thurs. Ed North, 3rd floor! http://t.co/iZfcW4TwY5
Nachos-snow cones-pizza-pop corn-prizes... new CU Anschutz Spirit Thursday still going 'til 1:30- come on by. http://t.co/lGethl2oU1
Party's wrapping up- Ed2 North, 3rd floor- happy Spirit Thursday- new tradition for CU Anschutz! http://t.co/J4BDgXFQnB
RT @joelklatt: Impressive view of new Champions Center from Folsom Field @RunRalphieRun http://t.co/0Unjz22fcv
Voting is now open! Cast your ballot for the proposed CU Denver Wellness Center! http://t.co/W0pBU23TQN #CUDenver http://t.co/RaK5aRKlC6
Money Smart Student Expo is April 21! Educate yourself about common money issues & win prizes! http://t.co/Go7rm83GC0 http://t.co/gQiE3jmMJq
RT @CUDenverCARTA: Welcome CAP Career Fair firms and students! @CUDenver graduates hit the market soon! http://t.co/sNcY0oBIRn
RT @UCCSAlumni: Remember when the UCCS Bookstore was on the third floor of the University Center? #UCCS50th #TBT http://t.co/IZWCCC63zm