CU Denver Chancellor Finalist Benoit Speaks at Forum http://t.co/iP0SkDNv4R #CUDenver http://t.co/L9g6BHSR2F
RT @peanutbttrnElly: This campus though.... @cudenver #cudenver #happycampus #lovelife https://t.co/zz2JufyVl5
Have some fun before finals tonight at The Dennis Small Cultural Center in the @CU_UMC, 5-9p https://t.co/R12RfrqcSO http://t.co/3kqZJIVaNT
$2 million grant to fund research on palliative care treatment for #Parkinsons patients http://t.co/8hgV5HwlJI #ParkinsonChat
RT @meagan_french: The sun is shining, music is playing & the view is spectacular. Can't complain #uccs #lovemycampus https://t.co/XWrKj9RF…
RT @uccslibrary: The library is honored to have received this year's #UCCS Campus Sustainability Award! http://t.co/3qBMIQyJq8
The library is honored to have received this year's #UCCS Campus Sustainability Award! http://t.co/3qBMIQyJq8
Margaret “Peggy” Jobe received Faculty Council’s Distinguished Service Award. http://t.co/Q7b1sQHFwu
RT @LoSnelgrove: Holmes' mom tried to pass folded note to defense table, deputy intercepted it and parents exited looking upset. @CUNewsCor…
RT @CUForColorado: The Air Quality Monitoring Student Science Symposium partnership explores air quality in Delta, Weld Counties. http://t.…
The Air Quality Monitoring Student Science Symposium partnership explores air quality in Delta, Weld Counties. http://t.co/TJ2bL7iyGg #CU4CO
Thanks for helping us get the word out about this new college planning tool @DenverChannel http://t.co/kR8KzTxUsd #EdPays #edcolo
Hang out with @CUBoulderSORCE & @CUBoulderWRC at their Recess Open-House, today, 11a-2p, UMC 415-417 #CUBoulder http://t.co/FGasrPgSZf