.@OregonGovBrown (EnvCon’81) has climbed the ranks in Oregon politics for more than 25 years via @ChristieSounart http://t.co/RmA4EG23OC
@RickGannotta Thank you, Rick! We are very proud of our 21st century healthcare city-- collaboration is key!
Big news! @UColoradoHealth closes purchase of land for #Longmont hospital for $9.6M http://t.co/2ZdnM9J51m http://t.co/vM8QbJUjWA
FDA panel backs first-in-class cholesterol drug from Sanofi http://t.co/HWxtQuPJEG
Dr. Roop discussing the future of healthcare and how regenerative medicine will play a role. #SpotlightHealth http://t.co/4idm1kTQM0
Tonight at 5pm @9NEWS is expected to air @RcHaarer interview @MontbelloSTS mgr Shelli Brown. (2/2) http://t.co/SyJS1ve0Sa
#CUBoulder researchers partner w/ @MontbelloSTS to promote positive youth development & reduce youth violence in Montbello community. (1/2)
Dr. Roop from the CU Anschutz Gates Center discussing regenerative medicine at #SpotlightHealth. http://t.co/VsgW0wZkZ3
How I did on Twitter this week: 9 New Followers, 16 Mentions, 19.6K Mention Reach. How'd your week go? via http://t.co/BL4Lvc0nQ2
OPINION: Why Colleges Should Care About the Common Core http://t.co/xQDsC2fAJU
"Lack of physical literacy is a health crisis-- we're killing our kids." @SecSebelius #SpotlightHealth #aspenideas http://t.co/uZhE1SJwcC
"If you put the NBA and NFL together, they have more money than the federal government." @SecSebelius #SpotlightHealth #PhysicalLiteracy
Physical literacy shouldn't come just from a healthcare provider. It should be pervasive throughout all sectors. Dr. Wong #SpotlightHealth
Dr. Shale Wong from @CUMedicalSchool taking stage at #SpotlightHealth discussing physical literacy in children.
Call to action by #industry, #higherEd, #STEM leaders urging #Congress to invest in U.S. #InnovationImperative http://t.co/yjrao6SFPE
KAPOW! English grad students rock @DenverComicCon. http://t.co/fR2TVgkbMF #CUBoulder http://t.co/stq0jcEz4P
Researchers discover childhood #obesity may actually start in the womb http://t.co/9CIWsqz6oc #CUMedicine http://t.co/eXKjWHybwi
@RonaldKlain Thanks for the favorite, Ron!
Calls to Poison Control Centers Linked to Synthetic #Marijuana Spike 229%, CDC Says http://t.co/AwAGELcsNC #cannabis