Big news from @UColoradoHealth and the @Broncos earlier this week http://t.co/DHYzyZ3Atw #Broncos #BroncosCountry http://t.co/9tfOjJIZzj
@PDXBuff @RunRalphieRun Lots of renderings and videos at http://t.co/cYvxpfxraM ... We will get photos up once we get moved in. #GoBuffs
The 3rd Annual #CUDenver Block Party is coming up-- you're not going to want to miss it --> http://t.co/JzIiwhYSuu http://t.co/zCzTy24uRx
Do you have any last-minute questions before school starts? Use #AskCUDenver to get them answered! http://t.co/17de8CRelL
New tool helps match cancer patients with the most ideal drug http://t.co/O3kkvgYjnM
Once in a #BlueMoon explained by Matt Benjamin of @fiskeplanet - http://t.co/oFzXlN6sGz http://t.co/aRhUHKvZc9
Books to squeeze in between those job aps... #Summerreading list that will help you #professionally @washingtonpost | http://t.co/TjSedqkDFG
Guest lecture: U.S. Secretary of Energy @ErnestMoniz to speak at @ColoLaw Aug. 31 - http://t.co/fculrmCjbl http://t.co/w10qSAMMTd
RT @CUSystem: LoDo developers to 'activate' alley into a Denver dining and retail destination: http://t.co/7nZA7X73Ts via @steveraabedp @CU…
@jllenaaah @CUBookStore The fall booklist will be published on 8/5. Learn about pre-orders at http://t.co/YXDmbnOGsu
Have questions you need answered? Use #AskCUDenver and we'll answer them on Wednesday, Aug. 5th! #CUDenver http://t.co/jS5I7V9tfr
RT @usnews Discover ways to get rid of student loan debt without paying for it: http://t.co/RgRc4CNe5d
LoDo developers to 'activate' alley into a Denver dining and retail destination: http://t.co/7nZA7X73Ts via @steveraabedp @CUDenver
#PrecisionBiopsy gets bigger lab space as company initiates global commericialization strategy for licensed CU #tech http://t.co/yL1FSgIRo5
Kudos to @CU_GLBTQRC for supporting the #CUBoulder community! https://t.co/63XUD8ZOrN http://t.co/Q8gjG8nDTO
@jllenaaah Once you are registered you can contact @CUBookStore to find out the text books you need.
@mikecordano When in town, stop by! Will show you all we do w/yr drives. Contact maytag@colorado.edu if/when interested. :)
Media files processed for #FiskeFest15: about 80 *MILLION* files, 50+ terabytes. All stored on @HGSTStorage Enterprise HDDs.