.@CUDenver is helping Fruita with renovations that will attract visitors from the west. http://t.co/BkI2tQqbgC #CU4CO
RT @tam_cu: Tonite! MSP's Miller Puckette puts on a full dome display performing at CU's @fiskeplanet planetarium. http://t.co/kY3si1BAsd D…
RT @FiskeFest: #FiskeFest15 kicks off in < 1hr, w/"Bella Gaia," "Deen Al Qayyima," "Starlight," "Tren Italia" & "Infinite Horizons": http:/…
University of Colorado study links education to lower mortality rates http://t.co/jrQG4hmRcF
On Faculty Council, @CUBoulder history professor emerita still an avid advocate. http://t.co/6FT9fwQKqr
RT @UCCS_OVMSA: Free yoga for veterans! Click the link for more info & see image for Colorado Springs schedule http://t.co/dBSXlIQ8To http:…
RT @cuengineering: And these are just the ones we've captured in action over the past few months! #ILookLikeAnEngineer http://t.co/hO1WZ5eh…
Anecdotal Evidence, August 5: Iowans say, "We don’t pick the president" http://t.co/wAtVC8xd1T @LarsGesing #iacaucus #iapolitics
Save the dates for the 2015 Distinguished Research Lectures - http://t.co/lk9c3acD47 #CUBoulder http://t.co/7PEfj5kr9h
RT @dailycamera: Fulldome films featured at #CUBoulder for inaugural 'Fiske fest'. http://t.co/gw4ZdcpNDs via @alex_burness http://t.co/Ijv…
RT @DBC_Ashley: Went home to @CUBoulder to help our fav team @CUBuffsDance prep for game day!! Nice work ladies!! Proud to be a BUFF! http:…
RT @CUBoulderOIT: Students, download your Term B or D D2L course materials you want to keep by August 28. http://t.co/l02ySDlcrT #CUBoulder
Religious Campus Organizations has 30+ religious/spiritual student groups - http://t.co/hW0Le1EuPp #BoulderBound http://t.co/BG4aFFGJG3
We're LIVE! and taking your questions right now! Join our Google Hangout! http://t.co/OytjpNj4Yr #CUDenver http://t.co/2P8vLkcA4g
RT @CUBuffsSoccer: Warm-up before session 2 on Day 1 of the 2015 season! #tsis #skobuffs #coloradosoccer @ Prentup Field https://t.co/DRh5b…