RT @CUBuffsMGolf: Winning ornaments-Merry Swolness-Strength Coach Steve, Coach Roy 95-15-J Paul + Old Pix of women's team-PJB/Souza https://t.co/Sjuyfnt4cB
RT @FolsomFrenzy: All this Heisman talk has us thinking about our boy, Rashaan Salaam! 2055 rushing yards and 24 TDs in 1994. 😍 https://t.co/PxOmzdJir2
RT @Maggie_Still: @cubuffs @CoorsEC I don't see anything ugly about that t-shirt. I think it is beautiful holiday apparel!! ☺️
Habits that make 20-somethings look unprofessional @BusinessInsider | https://t.co/p3txEZvJT0 #jobsearch #millennials #careeradvice
https://t.co/jwNHjZSntn addresses suicide prevention for Colorado men https://t.co/TXQNXiwVuZ #Colorado https://t.co/NVaxY36NY1
RT @CUDenverAlumni: All proceeds from commemorative commencement items go toward student scholarships - come support @CUDenver student success! #CUDenverGrad
New Center for Human Development director reinvigorates #GlobalHealth https://t.co/4zuRRh6w5X #docglobal https://t.co/hZrhDiW2SI
Wishing all of you students great success as you enter winter finals period - Study hard, do well, enjoy your break! #WeRememberWhatItsLike
It's international coffee hour at the @CU_UMC! Make a gingerbread house and grab a cup of coffee. #CUBoulder https://t.co/4U4wYEsFYa
.@CUAnshutz is looking for an #HR professional within the Colorado School of Public Health. Apply today: https://t.co/sCsFDuycCQ
Meet your fitness goals with the help of science from our Human Performance Lab https://t.co/joKMC75g1l
New survey shows Americans are increasingly concerned they're falling short in preparing for #retirement https://t.co/QjvMlLRC8G @MotleyFool
See more photos from Pause for Paws on our Flickr site: https://t.co/tE55twLsFw #UCCS #UCCSPauseforPaws https://t.co/Aqwbyb4iY4
RT @uccslibrary: Need some study supplies for finals? We're sharing it forward at our Circulation Desk! #UCCS #FinalsSurvival https://t.co/pFHulU73ea
Need some study supplies for finals? We're sharing it forward at our Circulation Desk! #UCCS #FinalsSurvival https://t.co/pFHulU73ea
Today is the last day to withdraw from fall term. If you need to drop all of your classes, do it by 5 p.m. https://t.co/NYvrN5w0WL