If you love a capella, check out CU's co-ed group Extreme Measures! https://t.co/8qHiJ55g6H
Those pursuing a career in music education should check out the #CUBoulder chapter of @NAfME! https://t.co/GoHRhNncWA
Connect with other passionate students in the Environmental Studies Club! https://t.co/77el8cHYJR https://t.co/4JCn7gxFw4
Brady, seniors ready for home finale. Are you? Read: https://t.co/a1jSiudFS5 Buy tickets: https://t.co/nHNYyzGPPM https://t.co/UH7EaRWaPv
Award-winning novelist and professor Jack Maness to discuss historical trilogy 3/31. https://t.co/UPks4QdDDp
Chemoradiation may increase survival for a certain subset of cancer patients https://t.co/nI21BgClDq #CUAnschutz
Obstacles don’t deter standout grad’s cancer research. https://t.co/GBs8cltVCA https://t.co/eHhLXJKXuE
My week on Twitter: 54 New Followers, 20 Mentions, 347K Mention Reach. How's your audience growing? via https://t.co/BL4Lvc0nQ2
Your advisor is ready to help you plan your summer. Stop by on 2/29 1-3 p.m. https://t.co/b3ISflTO60
Will you be an incoming freshmen next fall? Join the @CUDenver Class of 2020 Facebook group: https://t.co/z3ZDzIkobc #CUDenSaidYes
RT @CUDenverLive: Excited to announce our next event, Coffee & Crafting! Tivoli Turnhalle on Wednesday, March 9th. CU there! #cudenver https://t.co/nxQyRdLILp
Want to work in the music industry? We have a club for that! https://t.co/lifNwL2GEW https://t.co/bXXKqgFegW
Support global health and sustainable development with @GlobalBrigades! https://t.co/jswUz4zrQO https://t.co/DTxbxVfghg
RT @Broncos: From Cameroon ... to Colorado ... to the #NFLCombine. The story of the @cubuffs' Nembot 📰 https://t.co/uTt7CpYy8M https://t.co/njtDTiFNkf