You're almost done, Buffs! Finals study spots and hours: https://t.co/dsrvBSMBmG https://t.co/AWS5GkAKLp
RT @shelseaxflash: I fell in love with this campus. Can't wait to be a UCCS Mountain Lion.🐱💛 #DecisionDay https://t.co/ktCix7LJ84
RT @dailycamera: These #CUBoulder students want to design a bike for obese people https://t.co/nNRDTvomvX via @SarahKuta https://t.co/GmeIqJDyLG
$1 Million in Innovative Seed Grant Program awards announced funding 23 grants. https://t.co/kzM3wz9H1P https://t.co/dgowuT1Chj
CU Researchers are banding together to study one of the greatest threats facing humanity https://t.co/RqeU51NgvW https://t.co/ouUOcG3sLo
Thank you to everyone who enjoyed #purplereign with us last night! Who wants a summer encore? #Prince
Moving out this week? Donate the stuff you won't be taking home! https://t.co/UZUzosHs6b https://t.co/PLIjS4kUuc
.@NPR host and founder of @RaceCardProject leads talk on campus surrounding race https://t.co/L35uc55QyX #CUDenver https://t.co/ZNr5ejoEcK
Don't forget to take your bike when you leave for summer! https://t.co/0REou8b4LC https://t.co/UT6RMT89wH
RT @mycuboulder: CONGRATS! Are you #BoulderBound? Shout it loud and proud and let your family & friends know you’ll be attending CU! https://t.co/3HSbI1u3NQ
RT @CU_UMC: Late Night Breakfast is tomorrow 8-11pm in UMC! Free food and activities! #BeBoulder https://t.co/P1WXh1nBYs https://t.co/xNOaKWZgC6
The perfect backdrop for an end of semester photo. https://t.co/bSFPsd2mck
Holocaust scholar to discuss medical legacy of the Nazis, political rhetoric at @CUAnschutz tomorrow https://t.co/bahVLUzsBj
Need to refuel? There are plenty of places for a snack on campus! https://t.co/aFL6iZg2ZY https://t.co/j6ArW8j8mU
Chancellor's Corner: University of Colorado Student Government election review. https://t.co/rf4v8AAigl https://t.co/dsuZTgHi4i