RT @CUBoulderFacMan: Find some shade under our 3 newest trees @CUBoulder - thanks to the Student Association of Landscape Architects https://t.co/gCB6k3UoI1
Meet @CUDenver student and musician Tyler Hensley! He talks about why he chose CU Denver: https://t.co/OmjkBEDo2u https://t.co/coAcFDew9h
Help bring aboard new students as a Transfer Articulation Specialist with @CUDenver. Apply online: https://t.co/ahPX2igsmy #highered
New Colorado Springs medical students from CU's School of Medicine taught medicine along with proper bedside manner https://t.co/WO6edvZNIN
Osbornes to receive UCCS College of Business Lifetime Entrepreneurship Award https://t.co/1Gds4NeFlt https://t.co/KdDdG8myW1
7 Best Coffee Shops Near @CUDenver To Fuel Your Finals https://t.co/zRWALMHi4K #CUDenver #LearnWithPurpose https://t.co/DNOOUKXiya
RT @CUDenverAlumni: Get your free bagels!!!! Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) is hosting #FinalsBoost today at the @CUDenver #LynxCenter
RT @UCCSGradSchool: Grad students: Need a break from studying & finals? Stop by our office this Tues. & Thurs. for FREE coffee & snacks! https://t.co/3kvHqRlOMb
RT @UCCS_Rec: Wow! Coolest video https://t.co/RwviitJqvb, produced by a #UCCS HSCI 3520 Health Communication student this spring! https://t.co/poVbVK10Ya
RT @CU_UMC: Note: The Center for Student Involvement is closed today, May 10, for a staff retreat. Reopening May 11 at 7:30 am. https://t.co/NfEqclz2ge
RT @CUCoachElliott: So proud of steps CUBuffsWLax took in year 3. Next year starts tomorrow for our staff. Lot to be hungry for, lot to prove in 2017.
RT @albert_octavius: Always love seeing that @RunRalphieRun helmet on the @RussilloKanell set! #Rise16 #GoBuffs https://t.co/mxJWUEMmsX
RT @NoahStarbs: Representing @CUBoulder in DC at the @smithsonian with CU in DC https://t.co/QidlSbQV4M
RT @TheAtlNews: The American bison has been designated the national mammal of the United States https://t.co/r7cQatO8EX https://t.co/90jZsRoPOF
RT @jillpainter: From one proud @cubuffs alum, congrats for all you're doing to pave the road for others @Jaron1895. https://t.co/R6dcdZNFzp
RT @JohnBranchNYT: Cool story about @cubuffs track star Jaron Thomas, out athlete who embraces his activism, by friend @NeillWoelk https://t.co/Mbddqyu1x4