Join us on Facebook for a virtual happy hour, presented by Hiltons on Canyon, with Kordell Stewart, Michael Westbro… https://t.co/gWdj2NcXYD
The House gave final approval to the budget Wednesday on a party-line vote of 41-23. The chamber was set to approve… https://t.co/FrLwSO1XkM
RT @NeevesLab: Start now to integrate inclusive teaching and learning for your Fall courses. A great resource from @CoHigherEd is… https://t.co/Yv5OMVzith
RT @kzaback: Thank you so much to @BBurnsEDU, @jselingo, @ryancraigap, @MariaKFlynn for sharing your expertise with the Colorado… https://t.co/5Ieqwgycqi
"We need to make sure the institutions have what they need to implement solutions in real time and focus on ALL of… https://t.co/33jRYXdNSQ
"We need to better assess the needs of our students in real world industries. Equip them with quality pathways that… https://t.co/yZ2mX309ya
The CCHE is asking our national panel what policy changes, best practices and solutions can be implemented as we co… https://t.co/0aLcciD90i
"most of the innovations happening in higher ed it's happening outside of their academic core" - Jeff Selingo, Auth… https://t.co/3nU1TmK8Yf
A new #higheredjob is now open @CUAnschutz! The School of Medicine is hiring a Residency Recruitment Coordinator. A… https://t.co/OPDXQtiDDf
@PoluzziDavid Please email our representative at the address given to you via DM to further discuss this very impor… https://t.co/MgaCkC8Ybf
@PoluzziDavid thank you for your dedication to higher education topics. We're looking forward to continuing our adv… https://t.co/VzpxUMthiF
At the monthly CCHE meeting today, our Commission has asked to learn about the changing nature of postsecondary edu… https://t.co/dlledJZu5R
"We need to make online learning and our digital backbone to make it as good if not better than in-person learning"… https://t.co/RnzN6yXMau
Bridget Burns says "there has been more innovation in higher ed in the last three months than in the last decade"
.@dani_jonesss from @CUBuffsTrack is our 2019-20 Female Career Athletic Achievement Award winner. - 4 individual n… https://t.co/YiJsPJG2L4
RT @EBduece1: told my team that we have a responsibility to ourselves, each other, and the community to be a part of the change.… https://t.co/eVHb1CZtQw
Confused by the facial covering requirements? @bouldercohealth has created a document that shows state requirements… https://t.co/oXYnpsR4Fc
RT @CUDenverCAM: The CAM community is sharing artistic expressions in response to current events, including Associate Professor, Qui… https://t.co/hMZ9pNq8Ht
CU's student-athletes had a 3.491 GPA for the spring semester, their best semester ever. #GoBuffs https://t.co/ljuxX0ZJ5A