RT @CUMarkKennedy: Learn about some of the steps we're taking to confront racism and bias at CU: https://t.co/HJcPssIkXx @CUBoulder @CUDenver @UCCS @CUAnschutz
We believe in dismantling barriers to ensure that more students graduate. These #classof2020 grads remind us precis… https://t.co/GojM0c23SN
Congrats to our partners @UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital for ranking #1 in Colorado and #12 in the nation… https://t.co/q94ksAqQWB
Last Friday, we held the first of many @CUDenver Social Justice Teach-Ins. This idea was brought to life by the CU… https://t.co/pNdsiA2RxR
RT @kpoast: Flexibility in college admissions/optional use of national assessment (20-1407) for class if 2021- PASSED & is he… https://t.co/zwXdANN8dE
RT @spencando: Last year @sabiaprescott of @NewAmericaEd shared a great presentation with @CoHigherEd #OpenEd Ambassadors. Happy t… https://t.co/li3e7JIgw1
RT @AlisonRGriffin: .@CSUGlobal joins @acadeum as a member of a network of #highered institutions committed to sharing #quality #online… https://t.co/UqHmAAluFC
RT @bouldercohealth: Boulder County Public Health may seek a variance from the state Safer at Home Order. The variance would be for all… https://t.co/rqecDYBOzZ
RT @kelcsimpkins: A reminder: More than 40 @CUBoulder researchers are available to discuss various aspects of #COVID19 and its impact… https://t.co/WleXkRWgaJ
@karlfisch Hi, Karl! Thanks for your continued interest in live streaming the Board meeting! The June meeting will… https://t.co/MTAwf11Eeu
RT @cublibraries: From our anti-racism resource guide, Librarian Arthur Aguilera recommends ‘Backlash,’ "because it invites us to, fi… https://t.co/EUOt9Xxas9
PERA's Board of Trustees will hold Committee meetings on Thursday, and the Board meeting will take place on Friday.… https://t.co/Pq7qbMyr0z
RT @TheRhoten: Read about @CUBoulder students and faculty (including @oritpeleg) doing awesome work with fireflies! https://t.co/BbiIrcU5I5
RT @AcademicMinute: On @UCCS Week: Some of our native species might not always be as pure as once thought. Christine Biermann, assista… https://t.co/g84TBip81z
RT @Superstarnixon: It’s bigger than bigger black & white! It’s a problem with the way of life , can’t change over night! But we have t… https://t.co/QbgVOFLBOb
Ghost-like images and paranoid ideas that people are out to kill them haunt many ICU patients, especially the sicke… https://t.co/sdvoOSlEs7
Julia Niedzwiecka, a marketing student in the @CUDenBusiness School, shares her experience adjusting to life during… https://t.co/4wTgjSPcRt
#COVID19 has idled the Sun Bus. No problem, says Neil Box, a dermatology professor at CU Anschutz. His team is roll… https://t.co/dOvD8TOhta