Katrina Claw, a Diné (Navajo) geneticist at @CUAnschutz, co-edited a special edition of Human Biology that highligh… https://t.co/v57iMlakgj
RT @CUMarkKennedy: Welcome to Chancellor Marks on her first day at CU Denver. The campus is in good hands with this collaborative and… https://t.co/YMkBRUSZot
RT @NursingCU: White Coats for Black Lives – a Movement. Not a Moment. https://t.co/tSjRj6EpXp https://t.co/zUQ2pkMaqS
RT @CUBoulderCMCI: Today officially marks our five-year anniversary! And we couldn’t have done it without each of you. Because at the… https://t.co/FP8j6LFDer
On @MarksMichelleA first day as chancellor for CU Denver, she announces the launch of a 100 Days of Listening campa… https://t.co/CCw9AOsX5v
We're thrilled to announce our new Fiske Podcast --- A View From Earth! Join our hosts as they interview local Colo… https://t.co/JGItUIJ8uz
RT @MarksMichelleA: I'm so excited to officially join @CUDenver as your chancellor. I invite the community to join my 100 Days of Liste… https://t.co/kwvJLNJgAY
RT @drmansfeldt: Just a shout out to the Facilities Management team. As we are getting the sewage testing off the ground, they have… https://t.co/DmPGuSgKs2
RT @CoachLMaloneCU: Please wear a mask, for one, for all. Please wear a mask so we can have sports in the fall. #wearamask… https://t.co/yhrCwhBAtb
RT @CUBoulderLife: "What happens to my housing assignment if I want to change my major?" Learn more at our Housing and Dining Fall 202… https://t.co/huTE7RLOOt
RT @CDPHE: Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with symptoms should contact a health… https://t.co/Yr3TgeYQZ5
RT @CUBoulderHealth: CU Boulder Medical Services is now offering COVID-19 testing services at Wardenburg Health Center. Call 303-492-543… https://t.co/RPTdoaDS8u
@ilovekae420 Hi Jess. The program is funded through a portion of the student technology fee, which covers technolog… https://t.co/aaW2AE351o
On @MarksMichelleA first day as chancellor for CU Denver, she announces the launch of a 100 Days of Listening campa… https://t.co/dc9ofWGyoT
"Will the @cublibraries be available to students?" Learn more at our Roadmap to Fall website ➡… https://t.co/ANALUjfA85
Welcome to @CUDenver and the University of Colorado system, Chancellor @MarksMichelleA! https://t.co/xUs8IsA4sv
Mark your calendar: Next Wednesday, July 8, we're holding a telephone town hall with PERA members and retirees. Joi… https://t.co/fKnSsoiv0S