Interest in alternative online credentials spiked after people started working remotely this spring. Will the surge… https://t.co/WNl6N7oGoi
Completion of a daily health form is required for all faculty, staff and students each day you intend to be on the… https://t.co/Gj0gVsOtCI
#Colorado Census takers are currently knocking on doors to follow up with households that have not yet responded to… https://t.co/oKg9Wd1SlY
RT @ColoradoMesaU: This room speaks to how collaboration helps get the job done. 👏🤘 Thank you to our community partners for playing a… https://t.co/iOc9SkeiAv
RT @COLocalAffairs: 🚨 The #2020Census extension now runs out Sept. 30, not Oct. 31 as was previously scheduled in response to #COVID19.… https://t.co/FKSfd0gAwC
RT @uscensusbureau: It's National Health Center Week: August 9-15, 2020. The 2018 County Business Patterns program counted 46,254 outpa… https://t.co/zoI2hqM2aF
Thank you @ColoradoMesaU for hosting @CoHigherEd, @AngiePaccione and representatives of the #CCHE today for an on c… https://t.co/P4Bb1bxsEc
RT @bennettboggs: Thanks @ColoradoMesaU for hosting @AngiePaccione and @CoHigherEd . https://t.co/HkFYr7CXFj
RT @DenverKasia: Thanks for joining our fellow @ColoradoMesaU MAVS on campus today @CoHigherEd leader @AngiePaccione - our Mavericks… https://t.co/YsnVY1qhYS
Administrators at some of the largest and most prestigious schools in the country think they can, by requiring sign… https://t.co/bmfteRKS8N
RT @cuonline: #StudentPerspectives: “This program and the content taught allowed people to learn at their own pace and learn how… https://t.co/ELgrQXOwQn
RT @ColoradoMesaU: Colorado Senator @Story4CO gets tested for COVID-19 at CMU’s testing site. #ProtectTheMavily https://t.co/SqVfJSzMRw
RT @ColoradoMesaU: Safe Together, Strong Together is CMU’s return to campus initiative. @timbof12 is going over new campus protocols a… https://t.co/SMlcJCOwEC
RT @ColoradoMesaU: @CoHigherEd as well as local and state government tour Residence Life and The Caf to learn about our returning to c… https://t.co/o9uXwnXBmm
RT @ThirdSectorInc: Third Sector announces new Pay for Success projects with @CoHigherEd & @OhioHigherEd to improve retention and comp… https://t.co/dzfTcRiDHG