Looking for a career in #highered? @CUDenver is hiring a Refrigeration Technician! Apply online: https://t.co/q8stGXT8Vk
@CUDenverCAM alumna, Terrilynn Moore '17, has deep roots in Denver as an active leader. She was recently featured o… https://t.co/SnYMwRoj5C
Read more from Dean Banks! ⬇️💛🖤⬇️ https://t.co/xOHRy0QkL6
This Thursday, Aug. 27, CU Boulder will be testing the campus alert system. You can learn more about that test here… https://t.co/w6jc8Lx8Vo
RT @coloavidgolfer: After almost four decades as a Hall of Fame coach and administrator, Ceal Barry is planning for life after @CUBuffs… https://t.co/oJr2rcz1Ht
A View From Earth podcast can be streamed from https://t.co/0Kfbw0T0J2, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud! ✨… https://t.co/4FDvKLGHeH
On Fiske's podcast, Episode 8: Life Finds A Way...or Does It?, we speak with Dr. Luis Zea. In this episode, we’ll… https://t.co/txgpqachKJ
RT @CUBookStore: NEW! Curbside pickup is now available for all online orders! Just choose curbside at checkout. Shop now:… https://t.co/QRPHAgj9IS
RT @EasternCoGrecc: .@EmmyBetz An absolute favorite on a very important topic: Firearms and Dementia Zoom in 3 Sept 2020, 7:30AM MT… https://t.co/zI3kItel92
RT @EcenterCU: New to campus? Join a Campus Sustainability Tour- register for one of the many small group tours offered!… https://t.co/sd30iDGpzn
RT @EcenterCU: You can still register for the #SustainableBuffsCommunity meet-up through our website! https://t.co/f13ybIcILV
RT @cubouldermusic: This fall, the College of Music continues its excellence in performance and education while health and safety remai… https://t.co/f17wZzRkIn
Hey Buffs! Looking for ways to get involved this year? New to campus and curious about all the opportunities? Don'… https://t.co/w8TifykQmK
RT @cueducation: A big welcome to all of our new education students and a welcome back to our returning students! We are so excited… https://t.co/VFywWjtm35
RT @cublibraries: ✍️✍️Need feedback on your writing projects? Book a FREE appointment with trained writing consults through the Writi… https://t.co/BV4ZLAbUkz
RT @CUBoulderLife: Get to know your fellow Buffs through virtual meet-ups! Join a meetup based on your affinity, interests, and region… https://t.co/DHhDKk3R9e
It's never too early to find your favorite study spot. Want to switch it up a bit this year or looking for a change… https://t.co/ftqk5cFunv
RT @CSUSystem: To keep students, staff, faculty safe as they return to campus, CSU employees worked w. local companies… https://t.co/RDlDLiiRrv
RT @UNC_Colorado: UNC @PresFeinstein hosted @COHigherEd's @AngiePaccione and @RepMaryYoung on UNC's campus as we kicked off the semes… https://t.co/tVBwZiIu4y
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